Coupon Stacking is when you use more than one coupon for the same item. Only select stores will allow you to do this, so it is best to call your store and ask first, before you attempt it.
- Coupons that you are stacking MUST be for the same item. Size, brand, type etc.
- Coupons must have different coupon codes/bar codes in order to make them "different" from one another
- To get coupons that are different, but for the same item they must be from different sources. I.e. Magazines, newspapers, inserts, peelies, internet printed
- If the coupons states: "Strictly Prohibited" cannot stack them. These coupons (for now) are only on P&G that I have seen.
- Some stores will NOT allow you to stack coupons that state "Not valid with any other coupon offer"...check your store policy
- all coupons must be valid in Canada & not expired
Organizing your stacked coupons for a shopping trip:
- I will pull out a seperate binder, and put all the coupons I can stack in it.
- Then I will make my list. Make columns for what you are buying, quantity, shelf price, total coupon value you have to use, then a Total of what you actually expect to spend (before taxes)
- I divide my coupons into categories such as "Laundry", "Cleaning supplies", "Hygene", "Food" etc.
- When at the check-out, some stores would like you to place each set of stacked coupons with each item as it goes through.
- have your store coupon policy with you, and have a chat with customer service about their policy BEFORE you shop! Policys can change at any given moment, the policy that you may have is NO GUARANTEE.
Coupons to Stack:
- You can stack B1G1 with dollars off of one of them
- (1) "Save $2 wub2" with (2 or more) $1 wub1 coupons
- (2 or more)dollars off one product with different bar codes
- "save $5 when you buy 3 "brand" products, with dollars off
- There are really so many more combinations, just really look carefully at what your coupon says. For example, Buy ANY 3 GILLETTE PRODUCT: "ANY" can be sample/travel sizes, GILLETTE PRODUCT: can be for Venus (since Venus is a Gillette product)
To get the best "Bang for your Buck"
- Price Matching (if your store allows it) is one of the best ways to get the cheapest price. Collect all the store flyers in your area, & search for the items you are wanting to purchase at lower prices. Clearly mark with markers, tabs, or sticky notes on the flyer so it is easy to find when you are at the check-out. I also mark on my spreadsheet which flyer had the best price for each item.
- Stack your coupons on top of great sale prices.
- You can find out current store prices on line as well. is a great resource. has all the shelf prices on their website. I use this site often, since flyers only show you prices on a few of their store items.
I know that this sounds like a lot of work, but this is how to get items for free frequently. Be as organized as you can possibly be!!! so you have no surprises.