Friday, July 8, 2011

Couponing Course being offered in Golden BC

Couponing 101 – Shopping Smarter!

This session will show students the basics of couponing combined with a few savvy coupon secrets that will make you become a pro at saving money locally and abroad.

Your mortgage and grocery bills are the most expensive bills anyone has to pay every month. Sometimes the groceries cost more than your mortgage payment!!! Learn to save 50%-75% on regular household items. You should always have food, and clothing on your backs. Use the savings to put your kids in activities with out breaking the bank, pay down a mortgage, or go on vacation.

All information discussed is relative to our community of Golden, BC.

The session will include information on how to get and where to find your coupons, organizing, storing, tips for cutting coupons, and how to use them. Learn how to stack coupons and receive information on current store policies in BC and AB.

Registration deadline: Oct 14.
Need a Min. of 15 students to run the class

Phone the College of the Rockies to register!

Sat / Oct 22 / 1-4pm / $20 + HST

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