Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Extreme Couponing trip to LD - Part 2

So! I stacked as many coupons as I possibly could. I went over my shopping list endlessly making sure that all my calculations were right...the last thing I wanted was for my predictions to be totally off and have to pay hundreds of dollars more than planned.  If I had any questions about what I was stacking, I called the LD store frequently...just to make sure all my ducks were in a row so there would be no complications with the order.

The staff at LD are wonderful!!! They were very helpful answering all of my questions, and gave me more insight on how to stack coupons even more. They were not bitter that I was coming, quite the opposite. They were seemingly just as excited to be on this journey with me. I was relieved. The most stressful part about all of this was to make sure that I didn't upset any staff or have any disagreements about policy's. Making sure that I was up to speed on each stores policy's and processes was most important, and made everything that much easier.

It was finally the day I had been anxiously awaiting for so long. Friday afternoon, after I picked the kids up from school my friend and I left for Calgary. I was excited, nervous, anxious and worried all at the same time. I had never left my kids for so long. I almost felt lonely...never had so much peace and quiet before, lol. I was nervous too. All this time I had been telling people what I was intending on doing, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pull it off. I was worried that my numbers were false, and I would end up putting everything back and leaving the store...praying the whole drive to Calgary that I would not fail and look like a fool.

We arrived in Calgary just after 6pm. First we checked into the hotel, then we hit up every store that we could for more coupons and their newest flyer's. Each one of us took an isle, going relatively quickly scanning for more coupons up and down each one. We had to move fast. It was getting late and wanted to go to as many stores as possible. We found the most coupons in Shoppers Drug Mart & at Safeway. There were next to none in Superstore & Wallmart. It took us roughly 3 hours in all.

When we got back to the hotel, we scanned every flyer trying to find the cheapest price on anything we were buying. The medications & laundry supplies were the most costly, so any price cheaper was great. When a cheaper price was found, I logged it into the spreadsheet. Upon check-out, I would refer to the spreadsheet to let the cashier know the cheapest price I had found and which flyer it was found in.

After "some" sleep, we got up the next morning grabbed some breakfast, and started hitting the stores right away. With all the communicating with the staff at London Drugs, we figured that the best time of day for me to start a check out would be after 6pm when the store wasn't so busy. I figured we would arrive at the store around 4pm to start the shopping. There were a few items at other stores that we wanted to shop for, so this is what we did first. Zellers, I found a few items for free with my coupons, we browsed the malls, ate lunch, and hit up Wallmart for a few more deals on BBQ sauce and to purchase a few household items.

It's now 3:30pm...my stomach is in knots. Thinking of what I now need to accomplish at London Drugs is almost making me sick. I had never before purchased this sheer volume of cleaners, hair products, personal products and medications. I was soooooo nervous. We grabbed some coffee at Starbucks, and just tried to relax a bit before arriving at the store.

We pull up to London Drugs. It was time to prove myself. I picked up my 30 lb red coupon bag that holds two very full binders of coupons, policys, and spreadsheets, and headed into the store. I was ready. Game on! I can do this.....

Each of us grabbed a cart, and started at the top of the list picking large quantities of each item off the shelf as listed in the spreadsheets.

It was going very smooth and faster than I anticipated. Gradually we moved through each isle and completed shopping for everything in about 2 hours.

To be continued...still to come 'Part 3 - The Check Out!"

My Extreme Couponing Trip to LD - Part One

I had a mission, and I was determined to accomplish it. On my last visit to Calgary on April 11, I tested what everyone had told me about stacking at London Drugs, &  price matching at Wallmart. It was wonderful! I saved a lot of money. I ended up purchasing about $300 and paid around $100 for things such as shampoo, Tylenol and house hold cleaners. I just knew I could do it better. I made a decision that I must do it again, but bigger and better to the best of my abilities. I just had to prove it to myself that I could do it...and I did. I couponed till I could coupon no more.

Here is my extreme couponing story and how I did it....

I started by collecting as many coupons as I could possibly find. In my little town of Golden, coupons are very hard to come by. We rely on one stores commonly found tear pads & Canada Post for all the ones we order through the internet. Only one coupon flyer called "Red plum" comes to our town in a free paper called "The Advertiser". I found tear pads in stores and checked the shelves weekly to see if any new ones came out. I asked friends, family, and complete strangers to mail me coupons to add to my collection. Within a month, my binder was the finest collection of coupons that I have ever seen, I was very proud. It ended up weighing about the same as my 4 yr old daughter, about 30 pounds.

My binder is made up of photo album pages & trading card pages. I love the photo album pages simply so that I don't have to fold anything. I can see the whole tear pad with the item name & expiry date. There is a section for absolutely everything:
  • Store Policy's
  • Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, & Tissues
  • Laundry Products
  • Cleaners
  • Hair and Body products
  • Oral care (ie: toothpaste etc)
  • Deodorants & shaving
  • Tampons & Pads
  • Lotions & Creams
  • Vitamins & Meds
  • Snack Foods
  • Beverages
  • Breakfast Foods
  • Dairy
  • Canned Food & Condiments
  • Frozen Food
  • Baby Products
  • Pet Products
  • Make up & hair Dyes
  • Other (restaurant, retail, hotel, attractions, etc)
It was pretty easy actually to begin my planning so far in advance for this very large shopping trip. Here were my steps:
  1. I began by going through each section of my coupon binder and pulling out ONLY stackable sets of coupons. 
  2. I would count how many items I could possibly get with those stacks and the dollar values of each. This would be recorded on a spread sheet. This was constantly changing as I received and found more coupons to add. 
  3. The stackable coupons that I pulled out of my binder got put into a "new" binder that was specifically for this shopping trip. When doing this I had to be very careful not to have coupons in there that would expire before my shopping trip. The order in which the Coupon was logged into the spreadsheet, is the exact order that I would find it in my binder. It had to be this organized. The sheer amount of coupons and products that I was potentially shopping for was outrageous to say the least. I had to have some sort of control and order to it all.
  4. To estimate how much everything was going to cost I went on the London Drugs web site. There I would type into the search bar each item that I was looking to purchase. I found the item, and its price and added that information to the spread sheet.  
  5. In order to price match, I had to wait till just a day or two before my trip. The flyers started to appear on Wednesdays on line. I went to www.flyerland.ca to search for the stores that carry the products I was looking for. 
  6. The stores that I price matched with were: Superstore, Safeway, Wallmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Pet Smart, & Zellers.
  7. Just as my coupon binder is in sections, so was my spread sheet. This made the whole process of prep & shopping much easier. If I had to change anything at all about the way I organized my list. It may have been better to  organize the item list  by isle. But of course, I am not from Calgary, and have not shopped at their store that often. So remembering where everything was in the store would have been quite difficult.
  8. In the "Savings %" column, if my savings were not at least 70% or higher, the item got moved to the "extras" list. This list was for stacked coupons where the deal just wasn't good enough yet.  If I received more coupons during the prep time to increase the savings percentage, the item would get moved back up on to the actual order.
  9. Since I really had no idea of what prices I was actually going to pay, or any real idea of how well I was going to be able to price match..I priced items to their potential worst prices. My savings would only increase from there with price matching.
  10. Here is an example of a section of my spreadsheet:   ...... Stay tuned for part two soon to come!!

Meds/Vitamins Wallmart Shoppers DM Superstore LD price quantity Total $$ Less Coupons Cost Savings %

Motrin Liquid gels 72's $7.26

6.99 3 20.97 21 -$0.03 100.14% FREE

Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 7 $1.99 77.86%
Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 6 $2.99 66.74%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 2 $19.98 18 $1.98 90.09%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 1 $9.99 7 $2.99 70.07%

Advil nighttime (10's)

5.99 2 $11.98 12 -$0.02 100.17% FREE

10 $80.90 $71.00 $9.90 87.76%

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Calgary Here I Come!!!

Well, unless I get anymore coupons in the mail tomorrow (crossing my fingers!), I am finished preparing for this couponing trip. With about $750 in "stacked" coupons, I'd say I think I will do pretty well :) My estimated savings is more than 80%....hopefully it will lean closer to 90% after price matching. We will take lots of pictures, and hopefully some video of it all!

All that is left now is to throw my bag in the van tomorrow afternoon and we are off!

Wish me luck! Will update my blog when I can!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Facebook ....and a Radio Show!!!????!!!!???

I just added a new "Page" on Facebook! Make sure you "Like" my page & suggest to your friends!


...and as for the Radio show. One of the gals on my "Canadian Coupons" group on Facebook contacted me wondering if I would be interested in doing a radio show!!! I do not have any further details as of yet, but will surely let you all know!!!!! Assuming it would be the weekend that I am in Calgary for my big shop since it is a Calgary station :)

Stay tuned!!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting closer to my big shopping trip!!!! & Golden Overwaitea update..

Well in just about a week I will be heading to Calgary to do my big shop!! My list is growing ever so slightly, and my savings are getting better and better! Thinking we will be in Calgary for two nights now. Friday will be a prep day, Saturday we will shop (till we drop!), and then I don't think I will really feel like making the long drive home that late in the day, so another night will be in order :)

While I have been sorting, organizing and logging all the coupons that I will be using...I have stumbled across a few new and great ways to coupon stack! It was a little hard to wrap my head around it at first, a little confusing to say the least! but in the end it will still work! Here are all the ways that I know of that you can stack coupons:
  1. if you have two (or more) manufacturer coupons for the same item with different bar codes. You can find these by using different sources ie: magazine, newspaper, internet printed, mailed, "in/on" the product packaging, tear pads etc.
  2. use one manufacturer coupon and one in-store coupon
  3. if you have TWO coupons for "Free Products" , and a "Buy 2, get ONE FREE"...the two coupons for free products will act as the "tender" for the "B2G1 Free" coupon!!
  4. If you have two  BOGO coupons for the same item with different bar codes = 2 FREE products!..this one is the hard one, don't think too many cashiers will wrap their heads around this one, so don't be surprised if they turn it down :(
There are a few other different stacking combos that I can try to explain, but would be much easier to show you in a video....Warning! Video will be very amateur! lol

Also! I got the change to speak to our Overwaitea Foods Asst. Manager today. I brought in my coupon binder, and described what has been happening at other Overwaitea stores in BC. While showing the coupons that I will be using on my trip, I also explained the whole "stacking" process & its potential issues for our particular store. I would love it if they would start this right away, but from a business perspective, it is definitely best if they sit a discuss the potential positive and negative impacts this could have.

  • Would bring in MORE business from our community. Some who are serious about couponing will likely give Overwaitea more than 90% of their overall household grocery spending
  • Those of us who make "special" shopping trips to bigger cities like Calgary or Cranbrook, would more than likely NOT go anymore
  • those in our community who are on assistance, low income, use food banks, & who are generally struggling with income will be able to "afford" the things that they want to shop for by using stacked coupons. 
  • making people more aware of "coupon stacking" and how it is done could potentially lessen the demand on our local food bank...and on the flip side of that.....the food bank could start seeing an increase in donations by those of us who stack & get items for free that we really don't need or use. 

  • We only have four tills ..... any "clogging" of the tills would mean a lot of stress for customers & staff
  • 10% Tuesdays would be a NIGHTMARE!! 
 I have made a few suggestions to try to keep it fair to both the business & consumers:
  • Restrict the hours in which a person may shop with stacked coupons to the slowest parts of the day
  •  Restrict the days in which coupon stacking is allowed, IE: NOT on 10% Tuesdays, or any other potential high volume sales days.
  • Make a document for coupon stacking rules, make them easy to understand, & make that document available to those who would like to stack.
Regardless, this is a huge decision to be made. Really really hoping that they accept it as a great idea for our community. Please be discreet when discussing this topic, and please do not hound any Overwaitea staff or management about this topic or decision. I do not want to scare them off. Things are in the works, so please be patient. I will let you know if/when I hear anything back.

Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend! Keep Clipping!!!

Oh! Almost forgot to post this!! My GREAT savings for today was:
  • 5 Mulitbonita Vitamins (cleared the shelf, lol) Reg. $14.95 each, on sale for $7.50, less $8 coupon for each one = FREE! (saved $74.75)
  • 1 tub Asana yogurt = FREE with free product coupon from facebook!!
  • Overall, paid $4 in tax...thats it!!  Yay!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Calgary Coupon Prep

Over the past few days I have been meticulously organizing all of my coupons for my coupon shopping trip to Calgary in a few weeks.

I have taken out all of my stackable coupons from my binder & logged them into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is categorized by types of product. ie: cleaners/laundry, food, oral care, body (deodorants, shampoo etc), meds. I have priced out everything that I will be buying with the London Drugs website.

So far my shopping list consists of 155 items & $778 worth of products. I have brought this down from 240 items @ $1480.97. I had a lot of items on the list that I really will not use or need. However, they are still on the spreadsheet, and will be included if I find more coupons to make them Free, or close to Free.These items will be given to the local food bank.

Without any real price matching, I will only pay $250. A savings of 67%. I am hoping with a little more work, and a friend helping me price match, that I can still spend well below $200. I am adding products to my list every week when I get more coupons in the mail, so the list is changing constantly. Even though saving 67% sounds great, I am still not satisfied. I would like to get this trip close to, or more than 80% savings.

Price matching: I will be trying to do some price matching with the on-line flyers that you can find at www.flyerland.ca before we begin our drive to Calgary. When we arrive, we will then go to each store and grab their flyers and any extra coupons that we can. That night, we will price match everything and put it on the computer. Hopefully, my list will be accurate and we won't go too much over what I intend to spend.

Below is an example from my current spread sheet. These are the medications that I will be buying by stacking coupons, & price matching at London Drugs. For $80.90 worth of Tylenol, Motrin etc, I will only pay $9.90, saving 87.76%. Any money makers shown, will balance out to $0. London Drugs will not credit you any money, but will adjust the coupons to still make it free :)

This list shows prices found at stores including London Drugs, quantity of items I intend to buy, total dollar amount before coupons, "less coupons" is the total dollar value of coupons I have for the amount of items being purchased, "cost" is what I will actually pay. Last is the Savings percentage for each item. NONE of these prices include taxes of course...but thankfully I will be shopping in Alberta..Less tax!!! yippee!!!

Wish me luck! When my list is final, I will post for everyone to see!!! Will take pics and maybe video when
we are shopping. This will be my biggest shop so far! Can't wait!!!!!

Meds/Vitamins Wallmart Shoppers DM Superstore LD price quantity Total $$ Less Coupons Cost

Motrin Liquid gels 72's $7.26

6.99 3 20.97 21 -$0.03 100.14% FREE

Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 7 $1.99 77.86%
Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 6 $2.99 66.74%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 2 $19.98 18 $1.98 90.09%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 1 $9.99 7 $2.99 70.07%

Advil nighttime (10's)

5.99 2 $11.98 12 -$0.02 100.17% FREE

10 $80.90 $71.00 $9.90 87.76%

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A great night with Friends, Wine & Coupons

I had a really great day today. As I was picking up all the kids from the bus stop, I received a phone call from a friend telling me that Sobeys was selling off a variety of Kelloggs Cereal for $1 each! By the time I got the kids all packed up in the van, and scooted over there, There was only about 30 boxes left....I snagged them all! With my coupons & freebies I collected 31 boxes of cereal for $27.00! For the next year I will have to refuse to buy any cereal (unless it is free :). When it becomes free, it will then be donated to the local food bank.

I also had a "Couponing Night" tonight at the house. Four people showed up. It was great! I met some new people, and found out some great information on shopping. Think the greatest tip for me was that if you find something expired on the shelf...you can take it away for free!!! These items are probably still good to eat...the stores are just not permitted to sell it after the expiry date!! I didn't know that I could take those items for free!!!

All in all, it think it was a great networking night for couponers. Thanks ladies for your company. I had a great time :) We will have to do this again!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Prepping For My Calgary Couponing Trip

Well, I have been out to the stores this week and snagged all that I could with my coupons. My best deals were 20 packages of Royal Toilet paper for $3.99 each, 11 sticks of Old Spice Deodorant for FREE, and 3 Hallmark cards for free. Just those three items alone I should have paid over $255. With the sales & my coupons in tow, I paid $80. Saved $68%. Not too bad. I don't need to buy Toilet paper for the next 4-5 months & deodorant till next year! No other good purchases to be made with my coupons for the rest of the week now till the next flyers come out.

I now need to start to focus on my Calgary Shopping trip coming up on May 28th. I am doing this trip for a few reasons.
1. this will be my first trip away from BOTH of my kids for an entire night :) a very new, exciting,  and nerve racking experience for me.
2. I want to see if I can really "coupon" as well as I think I can. Just to prove it to myself.
3. to see if it will really be worth the expense of travelling to Calgary. In all honesty, if these gas prices continue to rise...the trip will likely be cancelled for the expense will out weigh the savings :( ,  although...a night away may be still worth it...hummm

So! For the next few days, I will be doing a new monthly budget, counting my inventory, organizing coupons, and setting aside those that I am stacking for London Drugs. Hoping to purchase about $400 - $500 of products (or more) on this trip and pay about $100 or so. A 75% savings would be very nice. Hoping to stock up and get my years supply of body wash, shampoo, fabric softener, toothpastes &  toothbrushes, cleaning supplies, cereal and other food products. This trip will take me a lot of time to organize, but in the end hoping to make it go as smooth and predictable as possible.

A close friend of mine and I will head into Calgary the evening of Friday, May 27. Before hitting the hotel, we will be coupon & flyer shopping at the three major stores that I plan on shopping at. London Drugs, Wallmart & Superstore. I will have likely already skimmed the flyers on line, and have a pretty good idea of the sales. Thankfully, all of these stores are only a couple of blocks away from each other so it will be relatively easy and quick to do.  We will then head back to the hotel, and begin to sort, organize and make our shopping lists. This should be the hardest part (I hope)...As long as I am organized, shopping should be pretty easy. I will know how many of each product I will be getting & exactly how much I will spend :) I have a tonne of coupons already, and expecting a lot more in the mail this week! Hoping to find a lot of FREE deals with my coupons.

Can't wait for this trip!! Hopefully it will turn out well and be worth my while to do a trip all the time. Either way I think it will be a fun get away!

If you have any tips feel free to comment!!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mothers Day Savings!!

I had a GREAT mothers day grocery shop ...all by myself  today at Overwaitea in Golden :)

Saved 69% ($126.40)!!! Yay!!! Bill came to $183 .... I paid $56.60!!!

I love what I do :)

I bought:
  • 11 Old Spice deodorants (FREE), 
  • Lg pack of Zantac, 
  • Pampers baby wipes, 
  • Lg btl Miracle whip, 
  • 2 jugs of milk, 
  • 6 pack of paper towels, 
  • flinstone vitimans, 
  • broccoli & bananas, 
  • & 3 hallmark cards (FREE) :)
I am getting better and better at this couponing thing every day!! Love it!!!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stop Rolling Your Eyes!

I am getting a little annoyed with the "you're crazy" look when I go to the grocery stores with my coupons in tow.  So, here is my little rant for those of you who don't want to, or are too embarrassed to coupon:

People in general have two major expenses every month. Their Mortgage & Groceries. Sometimes the groceries cost more than the mortgage payment! Your mortgage can eventually be paid off one day...you will always need to buy groceries. 

To those of you whom think "couponing" is silly, over rated, waste of time, its just a "fad"., or the people who coupon are annoying cause we take up so much time at the tills...

......what if someone offered you 50% or more off of your mortgage payment...would you really say no thanks? I don't do that??? lol

Groceries will cost you more than your mortgage in a lifetime...wouldn't you like to save at least half of that??

SO! stop rolling your eyes, and think about what those people with coupons are doing. Saving a TONNE of money.... Are you???

I, for one am proud & thankful that I can save my family so much money...and end up with more.

Old Spice Deodorant Deal at Overwaitea!!

This one is awesome!!! Can't wait for this sale to start on Sunday!!

Overwaitea will be having a sale on their Old Spice Deodorants 2/$3.00 starting tomorrow. P&G mailed out coupons that were "save $1 off any O.S. product", and "Save $3.00 WUB2"...making the deodorant FREE!!! My hubby also snagged a bunch of $1 manufacturers coupons off the Superstore wall last time he was in Cranbrook for me.

In total I have enough coupons for 13 Old Spice products totalling $15.
So reg price for the OS deodorant is $3.99...
On sale for 2/$3.00
Purchasing 13 @ $1.50 each = $19.50 sale price
Less $15.00 in Coupons = $4.50 for 13 deodorants!!!! 91% savings!!

This is by far the best bulk haul of any item that I have picked up in Golden :)

Keeping my eyes peeled for more awesome deals!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sobeys Flyer Deals for May 6-12!

Well I got the flyer today for Sobeys. Searching through I have found a few great deals that I will be jumping on.

Royal Toilet Paper - Reg $8.99, on Sale for $4.99 less $1 coupon = $3.99 each (getting 16 pkgs)

Oasis Health Break Smoothie - Reg. $$$ (have no idea), on sale for $1.00 each less $1 wub2 = $0.50 each
www.gocoupons.ca (getting 12 btls)

Clorox Bleach - Reg.2.99, on sale for $1.00 less $1.00 coupon = FREE (getting 1 btl)

Crest Toothpaste - On sale for $1.00 each less $0.75 coupon = $0.25 each (getting 2)

Colgate Toothbrushes - on sale for $1.00, less $1.00 coupon = FREE (getting 5)
**I e-mailed Colgate for mailed coupons directly**

Glade Sense & Spray Holder - Less Coupon for FREE product = FREE (getting one)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Couponing Nights!

I will be having "Couponing Nights" over the next two weeks at my house.

This is for those of you who love couponing, or who are new to couponing, 
to get together & chat about the deals, policy's & "politics" of it all. 
Learn how to get the best deals at the lowest prices! 
Reduce your grocery spending by up to 50% or More!!

If you are interested, 
please send me a message and I can give you further details!! 

(PS: I really want that shirt, lol)

Coupon Stacking at Save On Foods!??!

Earlier today, I contacted Save On Foods Head office to see if this "rumor" is true, and if it is, what the rules are. They had no idea that this was being done at their stores, and were going to investigate it. They will be getting back to me with some answers shortly. I explained our situation here in Golden that we only have 2 grocery stores that we have access to, and that some will travel 3 hours to Calgary or Cranbrook to "stock-up" with their coupons thus giving stores such as Wallmart & Superstore our business. I explained that if Head office could consider our little town of Golden to be a part of this, it would be wonderful for our community & their business. So hopefully something positive will come from this rumor and Overwaitea in Golden will be able to allow their customers to stack coupons too!!!!

Stay tuned!! Will update this when I find out more!! Yay!!!!!


Savingmomof2: CERTAIN SAVE ON FOODS IS ALLOWING COUPON STACKING....: "Well this could be a good thing. It is down in Vancouver that they are trying this and my fingers are crossed it goes well. All I ask of my ..."

Monday, May 2, 2011

How Much Money Should You Spend?

This is a huge topic of discussion lately. When shopping with others "coaching" them on couponing, I am always asked should I buy it?? How much should I buy??? Generally, it is more than possible to pay on average 50% off the regular ticketed price on non-perishable products. I don't usually buy anything anymore unless it is that cheap or cheaper. Here are a few tips to keep your bank account in check:
  • If you don't use it - don't buy it!!!! Just because you have a coupon doesn't mean that you have to use it!
  • Will you be able to use it before it expires?
  • Do you have room to store it??
  • Is it a GREAT deal? Is this being sold at a "rock bottom" price that you will rarely find?
  • Can you AFFORD to buy it?? If you really cannot spend anymore money cause you have other bills to pay...DON'T!! There will always be deals down the road, don't worry about it!
  • Buy what you can afford, and a quantity that you will use before it will expire.
  • Set a budget on what you can spend each shopping trip, and don't go over it.
It is always exciting to find awesome deals, and get expensive things for next to nothing, BUT there is really no sense in stockpiling things that you don't use AND spending your money on it.  Even if it is only a couple of bucks. It is more important to spend those dollars, time, & energy on things that will benefit you and your family. Isn't the whole reason that you started couponing in the first place was to save money? Know what you need, really know what you can spend, and stick to it.