Friday, May 13, 2011

Calgary Coupon Prep

Over the past few days I have been meticulously organizing all of my coupons for my coupon shopping trip to Calgary in a few weeks.

I have taken out all of my stackable coupons from my binder & logged them into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is categorized by types of product. ie: cleaners/laundry, food, oral care, body (deodorants, shampoo etc), meds. I have priced out everything that I will be buying with the London Drugs website.

So far my shopping list consists of 155 items & $778 worth of products. I have brought this down from 240 items @ $1480.97. I had a lot of items on the list that I really will not use or need. However, they are still on the spreadsheet, and will be included if I find more coupons to make them Free, or close to Free.These items will be given to the local food bank.

Without any real price matching, I will only pay $250. A savings of 67%. I am hoping with a little more work, and a friend helping me price match, that I can still spend well below $200. I am adding products to my list every week when I get more coupons in the mail, so the list is changing constantly. Even though saving 67% sounds great, I am still not satisfied. I would like to get this trip close to, or more than 80% savings.

Price matching: I will be trying to do some price matching with the on-line flyers that you can find at before we begin our drive to Calgary. When we arrive, we will then go to each store and grab their flyers and any extra coupons that we can. That night, we will price match everything and put it on the computer. Hopefully, my list will be accurate and we won't go too much over what I intend to spend.

Below is an example from my current spread sheet. These are the medications that I will be buying by stacking coupons, & price matching at London Drugs. For $80.90 worth of Tylenol, Motrin etc, I will only pay $9.90, saving 87.76%. Any money makers shown, will balance out to $0. London Drugs will not credit you any money, but will adjust the coupons to still make it free :)

This list shows prices found at stores including London Drugs, quantity of items I intend to buy, total dollar amount before coupons, "less coupons" is the total dollar value of coupons I have for the amount of items being purchased, "cost" is what I will actually pay. Last is the Savings percentage for each item. NONE of these prices include taxes of course...but thankfully I will be shopping in Alberta..Less tax!!! yippee!!!

Wish me luck! When my list is final, I will post for everyone to see!!! Will take pics and maybe video when
we are shopping. This will be my biggest shop so far! Can't wait!!!!!

Meds/Vitamins Wallmart Shoppers DM Superstore LD price quantity Total $$ Less Coupons Cost

Motrin Liquid gels 72's $7.26

6.99 3 20.97 21 -$0.03 100.14% FREE

Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 7 $1.99 77.86%
Tylenol – children's

$8.99 1 $8.99 6 $2.99 66.74%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 2 $19.98 18 $1.98 90.09%
Tylenol – Rapid release (40's)

$9.99 1 $9.99 7 $2.99 70.07%

Advil nighttime (10's)

5.99 2 $11.98 12 -$0.02 100.17% FREE

10 $80.90 $71.00 $9.90 87.76%

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