Monday, May 2, 2011

How Much Money Should You Spend?

This is a huge topic of discussion lately. When shopping with others "coaching" them on couponing, I am always asked should I buy it?? How much should I buy??? Generally, it is more than possible to pay on average 50% off the regular ticketed price on non-perishable products. I don't usually buy anything anymore unless it is that cheap or cheaper. Here are a few tips to keep your bank account in check:
  • If you don't use it - don't buy it!!!! Just because you have a coupon doesn't mean that you have to use it!
  • Will you be able to use it before it expires?
  • Do you have room to store it??
  • Is it a GREAT deal? Is this being sold at a "rock bottom" price that you will rarely find?
  • Can you AFFORD to buy it?? If you really cannot spend anymore money cause you have other bills to pay...DON'T!! There will always be deals down the road, don't worry about it!
  • Buy what you can afford, and a quantity that you will use before it will expire.
  • Set a budget on what you can spend each shopping trip, and don't go over it.
It is always exciting to find awesome deals, and get expensive things for next to nothing, BUT there is really no sense in stockpiling things that you don't use AND spending your money on it.  Even if it is only a couple of bucks. It is more important to spend those dollars, time, & energy on things that will benefit you and your family. Isn't the whole reason that you started couponing in the first place was to save money? Know what you need, really know what you can spend, and stick to it.

1 comment:

Savvy Horsewoman said...

Great tips! Thanks for adding the Printable Coupon List. I found a few new ones. Yay!